Legal IT Webinar… LINK Mobile App Workflows for Lawyers – Edit, Annotate, Compare, Send – 18 June

This 30-minute webinar will show you how lawyers view, edit, annotate, compare, and send documents and more, with our LINK app.
-Open a DMS link in Email, view tracked changes, then view with tracked changes accepted
-Compare an attachment in Email to a document in DMS, edit or annotate, check-in to DMS
-Use in-app annotation to mark up a document to share with a colleague or client
-Import an attachment into DMS
-Edit with the MS Word app, check the new document into DMS/ECM
LINK gives you easy and secure access to documents in iManage®, NetDocuments®, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint libraries and even in your Home Directory on the firm network – all from an iPad or iPhone. Android is in development.
This 30-minute webinar will be 100% demo. Join us!
LINK is a secure container app which can be remotely wiped. Data is encrypted at-rest and in-transit. LINK includes built-in biometric (or PIN code) 2F for quick, secure authentication.
For additional information, contact Maureen Blando at Mobile Helix: maureen at mobilehelix dot com.
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