Legal IT Newswire… Ascertus achieve 100% business growth in 2018

Ascertus Limited has achieved over 100% business growth in 2018, including head count and revenue. This growth has come equally from existing client retention and new business, which has been driven primarily by increasing interest in iManage Work cloud deployments as well as BusyLamp legal spend management implementations. Ascertus provides information and document lifecycle management solutions to professional services organisations and corporate legal departments across industry sectors in EMEA.
Jon Wainwright, Sales Director at Ascertus Limited, elaborated, “Adoption of iManage Work in the cloud is now the preferred deployment option in law firms. A positive shift in mindset towards iManage Work implementation in the cloud has been significant in corporates too. In-house lawyers, who are familiar with the solution through previous roles in law firms have decidedly driven the solution’s adoption, demanding a more robust and functionally rich option to SharePoint for document management. With the cloud removing many of the barriers to adoption, IT departments are much happier as it requires minimal effort on their part.
“Additionally, this year, we’ve also seen increasing interest for a more formalised approach to legal spend management in corporates, as they try to optimise external legal spend and improve access to management information, to allow more control and strategic decisions to be made on the back of the data that is collected.”
Customers commonly mentioned Ascertus’ knowledge of iManage and cloud expertise, quality of people, high service levels and superior support as the key reasons for doing business with the company. Wainwright added, “There’s no doubt that smooth solution implementation is essential, but it’s the after sales support that underscores the strength of client relationships for the long term and provides a lasting impression of the service offer.”
In 2018, Ascertus has doubled staff numbers, strengthening the technical support, sales/after sales and account management teams. More recruitment is planned in 2019 to support the growing customer base.
Ascertus foresees a greater interest in iManage RAVN for improved data management capability and enterprise search, alongside a demand for records management in 2019. “Moving on from the hype, organisations are beginning to understand the practical benefits that artificial intelligence technology can offer, and with RAVN already an advanced solution, utilising it to derive business insight from iManage Work is a logical next step. Similarly, organisations focussed on becoming GDPR-ready this year, but they appreciate the importance of a defined strategy for records management for ongoing compliance and data security. Exploiting this function within iManage Work is again an obvious move.”
Wainwright concluded, “Our strategic approach to solution implementation is delivering results. Because we deliver solutions across information lifecycle management, we can help organisations ‘roadmap in’ solutions for which they may not have an immediate requirement, but potentially will in the future. This consultant-led approach has earned us the reputation of a trusted advisor. We are looking forward to 2019 and are already gearing up for further business growth.”