ILTACON22: Reveal unveils macro-visualization engine Streams

Global eDiscovery provider Reveal today (22 August) at ILTACON 2022 unveiled Streams, a macro-visualization engine that maps large amounts of data from traditional and alternative data sources to uncover patterns saving time and resources. 

“New communication platforms and formats have exploded in variety and adoption, creating a wealth of potentially relevant ESI sources that current discovery platforms struggle to parse,” said Wendell Jisa, founder & CEO of Reveal. “Streams solves this issue by bringing the varied threads together in a single, powerful interactive visual analytic tool that instantly becomes a force multiplier for case teams.”

Reveal says that what sets Streams apart is its ability to weave communication threads into a single AI-powered visualization that understands patterns, concepts and anomalies across multiple new and traditional communications sources, including collaboration tools, messaging platforms, social media and beyond.

Streams supports Slack; Microsoft Teams; Zoom; WhatsApp; most social media platforms; email; text messaging; instant messaging; and documents of all sorts of forms such as Word and DocuSign.

“The Cluster Wheel revolutionized how legal professionals could connect and uncover key evidence from email and document data sets. Streams is the next chapter in rich visualization designed specifically for alternative data that helps uncover answers faster and more effectively than any other eDiscovery platform,” added Jisa.