WEBINAR: Is hardware holding your law firm hostage?

In this webinar with workflow experts nQ Zebraworks, we will take a step-by-step look at how progressive firms are moving away from hardware as they shift to the cloud. While the pandemic underscored the need for less hardware, getting rid of it is easier said than done. That is despite the fact that it is often hardware that stops firms from achieving their digital aspirations. We will be speaking to and taking questions from nQ Zebrawork’s CEO Bill Bice and CRO Ken Bassham as we discuss:

• What is best practice when it comes to getting rid of hardware;

• A step-by-step guide on how to practically manage the elimination of hardware;

• What the roadmap looks like for many of the most progressive firms;

• What the challenges are and how to overcome them; and

• Specific use cases that bring to life the benefits of eliminating your hardware.

15th February 2023
11:30am ET / 4:30pm GMT