Trends in Legal Spend Management: @Ascertus Breakfast Seminar with @BusyLamp and Telefonica – 14 September, London

Ascertus Limited is bringing together BusyLamp and Telefónica, to discuss trends in Legal Spend Management, at a breakfast seminar. This executive briefing is scheduled for 8:30 – 10:00 on Thursday, 14 September 2017 at The Royal Exchange, Cornhill Room, London EC3V 3LR.
Mr Marcel Ritter, General Counsel from Telefónica Germany will discuss the legal department’s recent BusyLamp implementation, illustrating how the department has automated and significantly improved its legal spend reporting, with a key focus on accruals and litigation.
Dr Michael Tal, co-founder of BusyLamp will explain how legal departments can gain deep insight into external legal costs, expenses, staffing behaviours and alternative fee arrangements using analytics to fully understand where the best value lies in internal and external counsel and what matters/tasks could potentially be brought in-house. He will also discuss automated invoice reviews and enforcement of billing guidelines to ensure best practice.
BusyLamp is a next generation e-billing and legal spend management solution. It helps legal departments save time, significantly reduce overheads and collaborate more effectively with inside and outside counsel by simplifying and improving their legal operations.
“With ever-growing pressure on legal departments to demonstrate value in the face of reducing budgets, an automated approach to legal spend management, underpinned by analytics is delivering results,” said Jon Wainwright, Sales Director at Ascertus Limited. “We are seeing a lot of interest from corporate legal departments as they look to go beyond traditional e-billing to optimise their time and resources to best meet the requirements of their organisations.”
The seminar is aimed at corporate legal departments.
To register for the seminar, visit: