Workshare announces new collaboration with G Suite by Google Cloud

In a major announcement for Workshare, the London-headquartered document comparison and review provider will today (16 August) at ILTA announce a brand new collaboration with G Suite by Google Cloud, which will see part of its Compare Everywhere solution integrated with Google’s suite of intelligent apps. In a further announcement, Compare Everywhere will be embedded within HighQ Collaborate, as Workshare moves to streamline the user experience.
Compare Everywhere will be available as an add-on in Google Docs and an integration in Google Drive – used by more than three million businesses – to help users run efficient file comparisons between documents.
Workshare’s co-founder and CTO, Barrie Hadfield said: “We are very excited to team up with Google on this new collaboration. With Google’s ever-growing base of G Suite users, and Workshare’s easy-to-use document comparison application, it was a no-brainer to integrate our offerings.”
He adds: “We are continually learning about the market and we know those working in sectors like the legal industry need a host of applications to get their jobs done. Because it’s integrated with G Suite, Google users will be able to access Workshare within the apps they use every day to streamline the collaboration process.”
The Workshare Google Docs add-on and Google Drive integrations are in development and will be available to the market later in 2017.
The news comes as Workshare also announces today that Compare Everywhere will be embedded within HighQ Collaborate, which means users will be able to perform DeltaView comparisons directly within the HighQ platform.
“As end users increasingly access their solutions via their browsers and mobile devices, we see it as essential that they can leverage the power of comparison within those solutions without having access to the traditional desktop or download redlines or documents,” said Nick Thomson, chief revenue officer at Workshare.
Workshare has written a JavaScript component called DeltaView.js that makes it simple for third party platforms to integrate the full comparison functionality within their user experience with minimal coding.
You can catch Workshare at ILTACON 2017 and it will be revealing more details in a session at 11am in Oceanside Ballroom C #ILTASS20.