#ILTACON #ediscovery party time: Women in eDiscovery & ACEDS to host event

Women in eDiscovery, a nonprofit organization that brings together women interested in technology related to the legal profession, and the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS), part of leading legal education provider BARBRI, today announced they have partnered to present a networking event at ILTACON 2017. The cocktail reception, “Celebrating 10 Years of WIE & Women Who Have Pioneered eDiscovery,” will take place Wednesday, August 16, 2017, from 4:30-6:00 PM, at Mandalay Bay Ballroom C in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Women in eDiscovery (WiE) provides women opportunities to help each other grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition. ACEDS helps professionals in various disciplines improve and certify their eDiscovery knowledge and skill, advance their careers, increase their contacts, and increase overall competence in eDiscovery and related fields.
The reception is open to all ILTACON registered attendees. Headline sponsors include Compliance DS, FTI Consulting, Recommind, kCura, Ringtail and TRU Staffing Partners. Additional sponsors include FRONTEO, Heureka Software, Ntrepid and Stroz Friedberg.
At the reception, a program will take place to honor women who are innovators in legal technology and eDiscovery.
“We have been celebrating Women in eDiscovery’s 10-year anniversary throughout the year,” states Jackie Rosborough, Women in eDiscovery executive director. “We are excited to co-host this special event with ACEDS to not only celebrate the accomplishments of WIE, but to honor all of the women who have been pioneers in eDiscovery and legal technology. These women have been exceptional examples to so many of us in the legal industry.”
“WiE has provided a structure for the advancement of women in our profession,” says Mary Mack, ACEDS executive director. “ACEDS wishes our affinity partner, Women in eDiscovery, a wonderful anniversary year.”
At the reception ACEDS is giving away two CEDS scholarships and a signed copy of Mary Mack’s book, “eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel, 2017 ed.”
Register for the event at http://www.aceds.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=991471&group. Be sure to join the conversation and stay up to date on Twitter by following #WiE10, #ILTACON and #ACEDS@ILTA.