Comment: Greg Bufithis on how to run a Legal IT conference – the lessons for ILTACON & LegalTech

Greg Bufithis on legal technology events… we particularly like his conclusion…
The message is not whether or not ILTACON and LegalTech are dead but that the world has moved on and both of these tech conferences need to get out into the wider world. But more importantly: law firms and in-house counsel … and legal technology vendors … need to break away from their safe, cloistered view of the market.
As noted in the beginning, given the extraordinary recent technological innovations … in particular, the explosion in information volumes along with the computing power and analytics applications now available … these events and players need to expand their horizons and incorporate the truly outstanding technology out there that will effect, does effect the legal technology market.

How to run a technology conference: lessons for LegalTech and ILTACON (the shorter version, with photos)
Given the extraordinary recent technological innovations … in particular, the explosion in information volumes along with the computing power and analytics applications now available … you need to expand your horizons and attend real technology events or otherwise you’ll miss out on the truly outstanding technology out there that will effect, does effect the legal technology market.