Women in Legal Technology (3): The Wrap Up

Time for a quick follow-up on our two recent Women in Legal Technology comment articles with stories from PayneGroup and the International Technology Law Association (ITechLaw)…
• PayneGroup (see yesterday’s comment article by Donna Payne) has just released Numbering Assistant 11, a Microsoft Word utility that simplifies paragraph numbering in Word documents. The software displays pre-defined, common numbering schemes that can be applied and modified. You can also create your own custom numbering schemes and then save them for use on other documents. You can even share your custom numbering schemes with others. Numbering Assistant includes options for inserting one or more numbering schemes in a document. Multiple tables of contents can also be inserted into the same document.
One of the best attributes of the Numbering Assistant is that it leverages native Word features, which in turn makes it easier to share those documents with others when working in a collaborative manner. Numbering Assistant is a robust and mature product, but in this new version, the entire code base was updated to include more options, speed up operations, including an updated user interface that better matches the look and feel of newer versions of Microsoft Word and Office. New functionality includes an option to change the many formats for the entire numbering scheme or by an individual heading level. There are also new options available for working with tables of contents.
• The International Technology Law Association (ITechLaw) is holding its 2015 World Technology Law Conference and Annual Meeting in San Diego, April 29-May 1. The keynote address will be delivered by Maria Klawe, President of Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, and the first woman to hold the post. Her address Getting More Women into Tech Careers and Why It Matters will describe how, over the past decade, women’s participation in the tech industry has declined rather than advanced. President Klawe, who is also a member of Microsoft’s Board of Directors, will discuss the reasons why women tend not to major in computer technology fields, and she will reveal how Harvey Mudd College dramatically increased the number of woman computer science majors over a three year period: from 10% to 40%. Full details of the event here http://www.itechlaw.org/sandiego2015/hotel.html