No mean feat as CMS goes live on Enterprise with Opes

CMS has now gone live on Elite Enterprise following a huge three-way ‘reverse’ data merge of Nabarro and Olswang’s Elite 3E instances into CMS’s Enterprise system following the three firm’s merger. The project had to be completed within six months to meet the compressed timescales required by the new enlarged firm, with Opes managing all the conversion work, testing and final switchover.
Integreon’s Nick Pond, who oversaw the overall Elite merger programme for CMS, commented: “The fact that the whole firm is able to bill from a single system from the first month end post-merger is testament to the calibre of the Opes team. No-one should underestimate the complexity of what was involved, particularly the slightly unorthodox 3E to Enterprise migration, but Opes’s deep domain expertise and very assured, adroit project management meant we were always in control and sure of hitting our deadline.”
Opes founder and director Kevin Smith (pictured on the home page) added: “Over the years we have been involved with well over 50 mergers but this was by far the most demanding, in terms of both scope and timeline. However, this is where our experience, resources and know-how really come into their own, in being able to cut a challenge down to size and to be confident of delivering on time and budget.”