TRENDING: Aderant Expert ranks number one in Am Law 200 – a look at the stats

Following on from the story in our roundup yesterday (12 September) regarding Aderant’s win of Alston & Bird from Elite and its release claiming that Expert is now the number one platform in Am Law 200, we have a few more stats to play with.

Aderant, which now has 74 Am Law 200 law firms on Expert, is not saying that it is the overall market leader, that still clearly falls to Thomson Reuters Elite. But this is how it says the market breaks down:

Aderant Expert: 74

Elite Enterprise: 71

Elite 3E: 44

LawTime: 1

Rippe: 6

SAP: 3

Other: 1

Elite in February 2016 announced that it would sunset Enterprise, with all bug fixes coming to an end in December 2022. As we have flagged many times, Enterprise clients are being faced with a choice of upgrading to 3E or finding another platform and Aderant has achieved some significant BigLaw Enterprise wins this year, including Proskauer Rose and New York white shoe firm Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton. Alston & Bird brought the number of Am Law 200 firms on/having selected Expert to 74.

We’ve always known that these Elite Enterprise firms will decide who retains overall US market leadership and, based on these stats, Elite has some catching up to do.