Updated: Mills & Reeve swaps out Tikit FirmWare for 3E

Mills & Reeve has become the 200th firm to select Thomson Reuters Elite’s flagship practice management system 3E. The UK top 50 law firm is swapping out its legacy Tikit (previously ResSoft) FirmWare PMS, following a similar move by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in 2015.
Mills & Reeve’s move to 3E, which took place after a competitive pitch led by Lights-On Consulting, builds on its existing relationship with Elite as a long-term customer of client and matter management solution MatterSphere.
Mills & Reeve signed up in 2011 with FWBS – developer of MatterCentre and MatterSphere – which was acquired in the same year by Elite and those two products merged.
Elite will be collaborating with Mills & Reeve, which has 517 lawyers across its offices in Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds, London, Manchester, and Norwich, to offer a fully customized 3E solution.
Comment and Update: We heard that Tikit Firmware, which with Mills & Reeve’s swapout will no longer be in use in the top 100 (Freshfields and Browne Jacobson are switching to 3E and LexisOne respectively), is being end-of-lifed. According to Tikit, that is not correct and the company is “working with each client to accommodate their requirements in terms of providing continuing support.”