Corporate Governance? There’s an app for that!

Thomson Reuters today announced the launch of a new mobile iPhone application for its BoardLink service, a secure board workflow solution designed to further accommodate companies as they operate across borders and have increasingly mobile, global boards. The BoardLink iPhone app provides boards of directors with access to company and business intelligence information through a secure mobile solution. Directors now are able to respond immediately to urgent action items such as board resolutions, draft documents with a digital signature enabling a digital audit trail, as well as respond to and send secure messages to fellow board members.
Available online and offline, the BoardLink iPhone app is fully compatible with Apple’s iOS 7 and iOS 8 platforms, and with the iPhone. It complements the existing BoardLink iPad app and web versions of Boardlink, offering the same high level of security. Documents are encrypted for review online and offline via the app and a calendar enables board members to manage their schedule efficiently through BoardLink.
“As more confidential Board information transitions from print to digital formats, together with the increasing reliance of globally dispersed boards on mobile devices, data security has never been more critical,” said Phil Cotter, managing director, Risk, Thomson Reuters. “The new BoardLink iPhone app maintains the highest level of security possible for our clients, while bringing together all the major capabilities that board members need on the go — straight from their iPhone. This launch is part of our continuous development of BoardLink and represents another major step forward in providing secure, mobile solutions for our clients.”
A recent Thomson Reuters board governance survey revealed increased cybersecurity risks to boardroom communications. Over 60% of organizations never or only occasionally encrypt Board communications, and only a quarter indicated they always do so. Cybersecurity information is the least-requested information by the board, with only 32% of boards frequently or very frequently requesting such information. As concerns around data security continue to rise, BoardLink reduces the risk of sending sensitive information over email or other non-secure channels. BoardLink is SysTrust certified and completes an annual SOC 1 (SSAE 16/ISAE 3402) Type 2 audit in addition to a SOC 2 Type 2 audit.
A detailed report on the board governance survey for 2014 can be found at:
BoardLink is a simple and intuitive solution that enables clients to manage business activities, stay up to date on business news and regulatory changes, and manage multiple layers of risk while optimizing board performance. It offers customized tools including surveys, voting and secure messaging. BoardLink is available as part of Thomson Reuters Risk solutions. For more information on BoardLink, please go here: