Legal IT Lunch: It’s time to exercise your vote – No, not for a politician but for BigHand!

inq-tech-hero-awards-logo-270x167BigHand’s iPad app, BigHand Go, has been recognised as one of the most innovative entries in the Best Business Mobile App category at The Inquirer’s (a UK tech zine M’Lud) first ever Tech Hero Awards.
The award’s shortlist announcement follows a stream of developments from BigHand as they continue to champion mobile working practices. Andy Fielder, Chief Technology Officer at BigHand comments: “To ensure that our clients benefit from the latest mobile technology, we continually seek new opportunities to enhance our offering. We have seen a significant shift from traditional office-based working to more mobile working practices and in response developed BigHand Go – the first ever digital dictation app specifically for the iPad.”
BigHand Go, which was released in February 2014, allows professionals to remain productive when away from the office by giving them access to BigHand’s advanced functionality via their iPads. BigHand Go sits within the BigHand Mobility suite of mobile and tablet applications and is proving to be a highly valuable tool for many firms – including many of the Top 200 in the UK legal market.
Andy continues: “Since its release, BigHand Go has changed the way our clients work and has become fundamental to their mobile operation. We are really pleased that BigHand Go has been shortlisted for such a significant award.”
This year’s Tech Hero Awards, which will be held in London on May 19th, will see technology companies come together to celebrate innovation and outstanding achievements. It will be the first of its kind and is highly anticipated across the industry.
Public voting is open now and will continue until April 17th. To vote for BigHand in as the ‘Best Business Mobile App’, please complete the voting form here:
And talking of heroes… here’s a David Bowie clip…