The March issue of the Legal IT Insider newsletter is out now – read it here FREE!

Welcome to the latest issue of the Legal IT Insider newsletter (March 2015 #281)
• You can also download the digital edition (it is a 2.6 Mb PDF file) FREE of charge HERE
HTML5 -v- Native Apps – when two tribes go to war
Danger: UX controversy. In the blue corner we have Tikit singing the praises of the HTML5 that underpins their new Carpe Diem Next Generation timekeeping system. And in the red corner we have Intapp, Bellefield iTimeKeep, SmartTimeApps, BigHand and Rekoop all saying “Sorry guys but Native apps are the only way to go!” We’ve also additional comment by Todd Gerstein of SmartTime HERE and by Phil Ashworth of Rekoop HERE
BI systems – finally here?
We’ve been reporting on the benefits and role of business intelligence (BI) systems for years but it now looks as if they are finally moving on from a “nice to have” to becoming a “must have” product.
Who’s in & Who’s out?
All this month’s wins, deals, swapouts & rollouts in the UK, North American, EMEA and APAC sectors including Tikit scoring its first brace of wins for Carpe Diem Next Generation + why things at Coke go better with a Novatus portal + BigHand’s Esquire Innovations “Office Suite” is making waves in Australia + how Aderant is hoping to crack the Elite Enterprise market with MatterWorks and fill the Elite Engage gap + more firms across Europe are looking to Sysero as a knowledge management solution.
Ten Years After: same as it ever was
Looking back to 2005 we see that two of the big issues of the day: the inability of Government agencies “to invest in efficient technology” and the disconnect between what law firms are supplying their clients with in terms of IT support – and what their clients expect, are still major issues today. In fact part of Scotland’s tax system is currently going back to the paper age and a new report complains “the attitudes of law firms and their clients towards technology and new legal service models are significantly out of kilter.”
• Your invitation to our new Inside Legal IT tradeshow – what’s on + how to get in + meet the latest exhibitors: Millnet + DMCL + Enable + K2 + Slicedbread + Winscribe – To register for a ticket email [email protected] or call +44(0)20 7993 8455
Our next issue will be out on Wednesday 29 April 2015
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