There’s an App for That: Canvas – new content hub for businesses & teams

Austin (Texas)-based today launched its new Canvas: The Art of Work a software service designed to serve as a content hub and daily reader for businesses and teams. Canvas has been in beta testing with over 300 groups and companies for the past six months.
Canvas has been designed to provide teams with an engaging way to share informative and insightful content with and among its team members. “We think this is best done outside of the email inbox,” says co-founder Matt Hovis, “the way we choose to consume other forms of content daily — through images and headlines that allow readers to quickly determine its relevance and priority.”
The company developed Canvas to serve as a team’s content hub and daily reader — allowing team members to stay abreast of what’s going on as well as participate in the sharing of content and insights to advance the group’s cause. The software lets companies and team members easily post content to one another and automatically aggregates content from their social feeds. Content may be designated as private or public as well as promoted if it’s intended to be shared outside of the organization to members’ personal networks.
Canvas is comprised of a desktop web service, companion mobile apps and browser extensions:
* Canvas desktop provides a central place for members to post and view team content from their desktop or tablet.
* Canvas iOS and Android mobile apps alert team members to posts in real-time and provide for reading and sharing of content on the go.
* Canvas Chrome and Safari browser extensions allow team members to easily clip, share and archive articles from around the web at the click of a button without leaving their browser.
Full details here
Incidentally, the company also produces the Icon cloud-based virtual business card app for iOS and Android – check out the link | Home