Paper Software releases performance enhancements to both Contract Tools and Turner

Paper Software, developers of powerful applications for creating and analyzing contracts on both Mac and PC, today announces major performance enhancements to its products – Turner and Contract Tools – that make working with contracts faster than ever before.
Contract Tools, an add-in for Microsoft Word, and Turner, a standalone application for Mac, offer streamlined ways to bring automatic proofreading, AI-powered document analysis, simple navigation tools, powerful search features, intuitive editing tools, and much more to contract creation and analysis.
“These latest performance enhancements make working with contracts faster whether you’re reviewing a finished document or starting from scratch,” says Benjamin Whetsell, co-founder of Paper Software. “We know that lawyers and other professionals are busy, and we continuously listen to them to understand what they need to make their jobs easier. When you’re working with contracts, you’re usually on a tight deadline, so fast performance is essential. With Contract Tools, analyzing a 50-page document now takes about a second. Analyzing a document in Turner is even faster.”
To learn more about Turner and Contract Tools and get a free trial, visit