Startup corner: Fliplet in focus

Fliplet is a user-friendly platform for law firms to create apps, including accessing a suite of pre-built apps that can be adapted for the likes of law firm events, client support or crisis management. Founded in 2013, Fliplet initially thought its target audience would be small law firms. Then along came Sky.

How would you describe your company to a friend?

Fliplet is an online platform that empowers anyone in a law firm to create and launch powerful and beautiful apps on mobile and web.

We have a suite of pre-built apps for common law firm uses, like events, client support, internal comms, crisis management and pitches. There’s no need to know how to code and IT teams can manage and distribute the apps quickly and easily with their existing infrastructure.

In short, Fliplet is apps made easy.

And if you had to describe it to a techy?

Fliplet’s a cloud-based app building platform which empowers non-technical people to create, launch and maintain enterprise apps for mobile and web-based devices – it’s a hybrid technology, fully responsive, which makes integrations, security and single-sign-on for mobile super quick and easy.

You don’t need to worry about app maintenance, updates, launch to app stores, hosting servers or building common app features – Fliplet’s platform offers these. You can customise the apps with Fliplet Studio, a CMS for building apps, or our powerful development tools based on node.js.

When were you founded?

We started Fliplet back in 2013.

Back in 2013, our founders had a web agency, and some of their large customers wanted to have apps but found them expensive to build, technically complex and difficult to update. That’s when we decided to build a platform to let them do it without any code. Clients immediately loved it and we haven’t stopped since!

By who?

Fliplet was founded by Ian Broom, an Aussie who was active in the technology startup scene in London, and Tony Wu, an engineering student who fell in love with design and code.

Both have extensive web and application development backgrounds and had been building websites and applications, both client-side and as an agency, for many years before Fliplet was born.

Who are your key managers/senior execs?

Ian Broom, CEO and Founder

Tony Wu, Head of Product and Founder

Jamie Fricker, Sales Director

Angie Ferrara, Marketing Director


Lead Angel Investor – Ben Wynne-Simmons from

Angel investor and Board Member – Julian Lloyd-Evans, Managing Director of Advertising at Dennis Publishing

What is your growth strategy?

We focus on helping clients rapidly launch and benefit from mobile and web apps. As we have grown, we have been working with many law firms. This lead us to refining our product and adding features to cater to the specific needs of law firms.

Our goal is to try and automate a lot of the app building process for our clients to further reduce time and cost of creating apps and deliver more high-value apps to our clients quickly.Happy Flipleters = healthy growth!

Have you received investment?

Yep, back in 2015, we received £500K of seed investment.

Who are your target clients?

We are most commonly approached by CIOs/CTOs and CMOs in law firms seeking to use mobile more, reduce risk and become more innovative. We also have dozens of clients outside of law in professional services and large manufacturers, retailers and service industries.

Have there been any key changes in direction since you were founded?

Originally we thought Fliplet would be perfect for small business. Then Sky got in touch and asked for an app. After working with Sky, we realised there was a bigger opportunity becoming an app creation tool for large companies and we completely rewrote our website to appeal to enterprise clients.

What are the key challenges you face in your market? 

Mobile apps have not yet reached maturity in the enterprise market, as companies are still in the early days of figuring out the best uses for mobile in making business and productivity optimisations. There is still a perception that apps are difficult and expensive to build and maintain, but we’re shattering that with Fliplet!

Fliplet spends a lot of time educating our clients and sharing knowledge about how apps can help their business and building solutions to meet these needs. Clients tend to teach us as much about their industry as we teach them about mobile apps.

What are the most exciting developments you’ve seen in your market in the past year to 18 months?

Increased volumes of apps from law firms. We have recently created a report analysing public apps from the top 300 global law firms and found some fascinating trends.

We are using these trends to help our clients to complete against other law firms, bring innovation to their firm and build an app strategy for their firm that enables them to stay ahead of the market.

Recently it was announced that many developed world markets are reaching mobile saturation, meaning most of the population now has a smartphone! This doesn’t come as a shock since many estimates had shown this exactly would happen — but the exciting part is that many businesses are now taking advantage of the prevalence of mobile to increase productivity and flexibility, and that can only be a good thing!

The advent of complementary technologies like AI, easier integrations and web/ native mobile experience improvements also means that we are able to use our devices in incredible new ways to make our lives easier and our businesses more productive.

Tell us something that people don’t already know about the company?

Our average client had 12.5 active apps in 2016, up from 4 in 2015! We love this statistic, which keeps increasing year on year and demonstrates our product is in demand and demand is growing exponentially

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Company name:



Fliplet is an online platform that empowers firms to create, launch and maintain their own mobile apps at a fraction of the cost and effort of traditional methods.

Our platform features:

Pre-built apps for common law firm uses, like events, client support, internal comms, crisis management and pitches.

No code knowledge required.

Compatible with the Apple, Android and Windows 10 App Stores + web!

Hybrid technology means your apps are fully phone-native, but also web compatible.

In short, Fliplet is apps made easy.




Ian Broom

Tony Wu

Managers/senior execs:

Ian Broom, CEO and Founder

Tony Wu, Head of Product and Founder

Jamie Fricker, Sales Director

Angie Ferrara, Marketing Director

Growth strategy:

Legal market, via pre-built templates for the most common app needs in law firms and in-house legal departments.


2015 – Seed: £500K

Target clients:

Mid to large law firms and professional services firms

Key challenges:

Market development rate

Technology development rate

Key market opportunities/developments:

The booming mobile sector

Firms struggling to catch up with technology

AI, automation and integrations

What you probably didn’t know:

Our clients had 12.5 active apps on average in 2016!