DocsCorp announces Osborne Clarke Workshare swapout

DocsCorp has today (6 September) announced that UK top 50 law firm Osborne Clarke has replaced Workshare metadata management and document comparison software in all its offices globally with cleanDocs and compareDocs, in a win that happened two years ago.
Osborne Clarke selected DocsCorp in 2015 and began a phased swap out starting in October 2015, when it exchanged its Workshare subscription-based comparison tool for compareDocs, deploying the new tool within six weeks. The other perpetual Workshare licenses were swapped out over the next six months.
Speaking to Legal IT Insider, Osborne Clarke IT applications manager Stuart Chapman said: “DocsCorp is now part of our standard build and everyone gets cleanDocs and compareDocs. We’ve worked with DocsCorp to resolve a few bugs and they’ve been very responsive.”
Speaking about the reason behind the change of vendor he added: “We didn’t have any bonfires that we were putting out but we saw DocsCorp’s product suite and were impressed by the speed and the ease of use and commercially it was a very good deal at the time.”
The announcement from DocsCorp today states that Osborne Clarke selected DocsCorp as a Workshare replacement specifically because it integrates with iManage Worksite 9; supports Windows 10 and MS Office 2016; complies with data security and compliance standards; and is simple and intuitive to use, minimizing training requirements.
It should be noted that since 2015 Workshare has integrated with iManage Worksite 9 and supported Windows 10 and MS Office 2016.
Ben Mitchell, DocsCorp VP EMEA Sales said: “We are delighted to have worked with Osborne Clarke on this successful implementation and will continue to develop our products to meet their future needs and requirements.”