Oratto launches fixed-fee probate quote engine

Oratto, the legal services website that matches consumers to the right lawyer for their particular needs, has launched a fixed-fee probate quote engine which provides consumers with the ability to compare quotes for probate. Customers could save four figure sums on probate fees and, crucially, are empowered to find the solicitor who is right for their particular situation.
With the launch of its fixed-fee probate quotation system, Oratto offers consumers with unprecedented level of ease, efficiency and pricing transparency when finding and comparing quotes for fixed-fee probate services. The process is simple to use and, once the detailed but quick-fire questionnaire is complete, users are presented with a selection of named lawyers, each offering a fixed-fee quote for services based on the information provided.
Once the user has considered the quotes and read the detailed solicitor profiles, they can make their selection. At this point, the Oratto administration team will liaise with the client to ensure a smooth transition through the grant of probate and estate administration process. This will include providing assistance with documentation, ultimately making both the client’s and the lawyer’s job much easier.
Kevin Nessling, CEO of Oratto, says, “In order to deliver accurate, tailored pricing it was necessary to break-down the complex components of the probate process and the seemingly endless array of potential scenarios that can influence the value of an estate. The first lawyers participating in the project have helped enormously with developing the system which is now delivering steady enquiries. In the seven days following launch we have seen over £18million of estate administration work through the system already.”
Nessling adds, “The Oratto probate quote engine finally brings probate legal services into the present day, offering fixed pricing to ensure that customers aren’t confused by opaque costs, or hit with a nasty surprise later down the line. Too many probate service providers fail to provide transparent fees, even when they’re claiming to offer a fixed-fee. Previously, consumers had nothing to compare, but our quote engine changes this. At last people can feel confident that they are getting the best price for a quality legal service.”
Oratto has already given consumers greater power and control over the procurement of legal services, and now the launch of its quote engine has added a whole new level of clarity and empowerment for those who are looking to negotiate the probate process.