DocsCorp: The new iManage Work 10 integrations under the spotlight at ConnectLive 2018

DocsCorp will today (8 May) unveil new integrations with iManage Work 10 across cloud and on premises environments at iManage ConnectLive 2018 in London (as it just did at ConnectLive New York). We caught up with DocsCorp president and co-founder Dean Sappey to find out what will be under the spotlight.

compareDocs cloud is embedded inside the browser and iManage Work 10 for Office 365/iManage Mobility products

Referred to by DocsCorp under the umbrella term of ‘Smart Integration’, iManage Work 10 users can now automatically connect to DocsCorp applications: when a user selects ‘compare with compareDocs’, the application connects you to the desktop or cloud version based on the device you’re using.

Sappey tells us: “CompareDocs integrates completely. It’s why we’re featured in the conference keynotes. One of the videos iManage are using in their conference covers how we work on a mobile device, browser or desktop.

“iManage is frenetically trying to get firms live on iManage 10 and have changed the whole engineering. They used to have an API that’s been around for 20 years but that’s been written as a REST API – typically used for connecting web applications. So every product has to be changed and their interface is now in the browser. All integration points have to be rewritten – it’s the biggest change iManage has ever made.”

He adds: “If you’re in the web browser using iManage it will connect you to our cloud product – their cloud talks to our cloud and integrates with the desktop. On your iPad you’ll probably use iManage Mobility to connect and may want to compare documents on the iPad, so we’ve had to build an integration there: we have to support all those different ways of working.”

pdfDocs is integrated with iManage 10.2 in the iManage Cloud

The integration between pdfDocs and iManage 10 was only just completed last week.

Sappey told us: “pdfDocs is fully integrated and we’re the only non-Adobe product that works with iManage. The integration was just finished this week [at the time of talking on Friday 4 May) and it was probably the most difficult and most complicated. We did cleanDocs and compareDocs first and then the most difficult last.”

cleanDocs achieved integration around six weeks ago. Sappey says: “A lot of firms are saying that we really need these integrations but hardly any have gone live because we are waiting for other iManage partners.”

iManage continues to work on the functionality of its cloud version so that it entirely replicates the on premises user experience.

See below a video that DocsCorp has created about the new integrations if you want to know more (or just go chat to them.)

The integration news from DocsCorp will coincide with its carefully timed announcement today that Delphi, one of Sweden’s top commercial law firms, has chosen contentCrawler as part of its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance strategy. The firm selected the contentCrawler OCR module to help address the “dark data” issue that was discovered after an audit of their file systems.

The audit found that 30% of the documents in the firm’s iManage Document Management System (DMS) were non-searchable. Nearly 70% of these were image-based PDF files, undermining the firm’s ability to manage clients’ personal data and to adequately respond to a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR).

Standby for more iManage ConnectLive news.

Here is the agenda for the conference: