Whoop whoop! Legal IT Insider has been listed at number three in the Top 30 Best Legal Tech Blogs by Feedspot, topping the list based on search and social metrics. We were beaten by Bob Ambrogi’s LawSites at number one and the ABA’s Law Technology Today blog at number two. Congrats to both!
Blogs are ranked based on following criteria:
Google reputation and Google search ranking;
Influence and popularity on Facebook, twitter and other social media sites;
Quality and consistency of posts; and
Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review.
Feedspot, which in February ranked Legal IT Insider at #22 of the Top 40 Tech blogs (we were the only legal tech blog in that vertical) says: “We’ve carefully selected these websites because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information.”
The legal tech blogs in full:
1. Robert Ambrogi’s LawSites
This blog is about legal technology and social media. I am a lawyer and consultant who has been writing and speaking about the Internet, social media and legal technology for nearly 20 years.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Since Nov 2002
Website lawsitesblog.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 18,570.
2. Law Technology Today
Law Technology Today is a blog from the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center. Get the latest news in technology and law that you need to know. The ABA’s LTRC provides extensive legal technology resources on topics such as cloud computing, software, marketing, mobile, and security.
Frequency about 6 posts per week.
Also in Legal Blogs
Website lawtechnologytoday.org
Facebook fans 1,978. Twitter followers 16,594.
3. Legal IT Insider | Latest News | Legal Technology Breaking News
Get updates about legal technology news, views, analysis, jobs, events and more.
Frequency about 13 posts per week.
Since Jun 2006
Website legaltechnology.com
Facebook fans 4,774. Twitter followers 4,624.[Across our many social media channels it’s more but this probably isn’t the time to say it.]
4. Technology & Marketing Law Blog
Eric Goldman is a Professor of Law at Santa Clara University School of Law. Eric teaches and publishes in the areas of Internet Law, Intellectual Property and Advertising & Marketing Law. He blogs on these topics at the Technology & Marketing Law Blog, which has been inducted into the ABA Journal’s “Blawg Hall of Fame.”
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Since Feb 2005
Website blog.ericgoldman.org
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
5. Legal IT Professionals – Legal Technology News | Everything legal technology
Get updates about Legal technology news, columns, industry events, job openings and more.
Frequency about 7 posts per week.
Since Jan 2009
Website legalitprofessionals.com
Facebook fans 1,980. Twitter followers 15,839.
6. Foley & Lardner | Peter S. Vogel | Internet, IT & e-Discovery Blog
Peter is renowned as both a trial and transactional lawyer who deeply understands technology, science and intellectual property, and the opportunities and problems they pose for clients. In this blog he advises on cyber-security and identity protection, international privacy laws and global technology disputes.
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Since Aug 2008
Website vogelitlawblog.com
Facebook fans 1,315. Twitter followers 787.
7. FindLaw Legal Technology Blog | Technologist
The FindLaw legal technology blog features the latest legal technology news and developments for attorneys and legal professionals.
Frequency about 9 posts per week.
Since Apr 2009
Website blogs.findlaw.com/technologist
Facebook fans 36,476. Twitter followers 24,184.
8. TechnoLawyer Blog
Get all the legal technology and practice management news from TechnoLawyer Blog.
Frequency about 4 posts per week.
Since Dec 2002
Website blog.technolawyer.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 1,871.
9. Technology Law Dispatch | Data Privacy & Security Lawyers | Reed Smith Law Firm
Technology Law Dispatch is authored by Reed Smith’s IP, Information & Innovation and offers updates on technology law.
Frequency about 3 posts per week.
Since May 2010
Website technologylawdispatch.com
Facebook fans 1,090. Twitter followers 16,570.
10. Squire Patton Boggs Law Firm | Global IP & Technology Law Blog
Intellectual property and technology attorneys at Squire Sanders covering legal trends and developments around the world.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since Oct 2013
Website iptechblog.com
Facebook fans 2,249. Twitter followers 10,907.
11. Reddit – Legal Technology and Innovation
Reddit – Legal Technology and Innovation
This subreddit is for those in the legal field interested in improving the legal profession through the use of technology. E-discovery and cloud practice management are just the start: what next?
Frequency about 1 post per week.
Website reddit.com/r/legaltech
Facebook fans 1,187,131. Twitter followers 556,271.
12. Richmond Journal of Law and Technology
The Journal focuses on the impact that computer-related and other emerging technologies have on the law.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since Jul 2012
Website jolt.richmond.edu
Facebook fans 219. Twitter followers 320.
13. Proskauer Rose Law Firm | New Media and Technology Law Blog | Technology Lawyers |
The New Media & Technology Law Blog offers insight on Trademark & Patent law.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Since Jul 2008
Website newmedialaw.proskauer.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 65.
14. ROSS Intelligence | the resource for news & updates on LegalTech ROSS Intelligence
ROSS Intelligence | the resource for news & updates on LegalTech ROSS Intelligence
ROSS Intelligence presents Legal Tech Corner for news and updates on the law, legal technology, artificial intelligence, and much more.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since Sep 2016
Website rossintelligence.com/blog
Facebook fans 725. Twitter followers 3,798.
15. NC Journal of Law & Technology
NC Journal of Law & Technology
JOLT takes a broad view of the term “technology.” As such, topics in many seemingly divergent areas of the law can qualify for publication in JOLT, provided there is a relationship to a field of technology. In recent past, articles have dealt with ethics, privacy, bankruptcy, civil rights, tax law, and criminal law, as well as more traditional “tech” areas such as intellectual property and emerging technologies.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since Jun 2012
Website ncjolt.org
Facebook fans 211. Twitter followers 181.
16. BTLJ Blog – Berkeley Technology Law Journal
The Berkeley Technology Law Journal is a student-run publication of the Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California at Berkeley. It covers emerging issues of law in the areas of intellectual property, high-tech and biotech.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Since Jan 1990
Website btlj.org/category/btljblog
Facebook fans 350. Twitter followers 309.
17. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law
Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law
The Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law (JETLaw) is an official, highly ranked, student-run publication of Vanderbilt Law School focusing on technology, intellectual property, and entertainment law.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since Apr 2008
Website jetlaw.org/blog
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 257.
18. TechnoLlama | Not Just Another Technology Law Blog
TechnoLlama covers several Cyberlaw topics, with emphasis on open licensing, digital rights, software protection, virtual worlds, and llamas. While the blog tackles these issues in a light-hearted and nonchalant manner, some serious points filter through from time to time.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Since Oct 2004
Website technollama.co.uk
Facebook fans 266. Twitter followers n/a.
19. A&L Goodbody | Ireland IP & Technology Law Blog | Cyber Risk & Data Privacy Updates
Ireland IP & Technology Law Blog provides every information you need to know about Intellectual property & technology law in Ireland. A&L Goodbody is an Irish law firm providing expert legal advice across every aspect of business law. The Firm advises a broad domestic and international client base in both the private and public sectors, across the island of Ireland.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Since May 2004
Website irelandip.com
Facebook fans 2,385. Twitter followers 3,710.
20. DLA Piper | Technology’s Legal Edge
Technology’s Legal Edge is written by attorneys Jennifer Kashatus and Anne Friedman on global technology, sourcing and privacy issues.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Since Jan 2012
Website technologyslegaledge.com
Facebook fans 9,373. Twitter followers 35,628.
21. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur | Technology Law Source | Technology Lawyers
Technology Law Source offers updates on legal issues on data security, intellectual property, technology and social media addressing evolving and current technologies.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Since Sep 2006
Website technologylawsource.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 171.
22. BizTech Law Blog: Technology Law Blog, IT Law & Articles
The business and tech attorneys at Foster Swift have created this blog to provide meaningful and (perhaps) entertaining information, as well as useful tidbits related to, what many have termed, the new frontier of commerce – Technology. This blog focuses on topics that are of interest to not only IT companies, but also many non-technology companies that encounter issues related to information technology, privacy and safeguarding proprietary data.
Frequency about 2 posts per month.
Since Apr 2011
Website michiganitlaw.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 620.
23. Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts
This blog analyzes key emerging legal issues in IP, technology, commerce, and the arts. Also this blog showcases research being developed by authors at the Journal. The Journal’s core mission is to publish clear and concise analysis. This blog helps the Journal to continue to carry out this mission by quickly transmitting current legal information to busy attorneys and industry leaders.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Since Apr 2010
Website wjlta.com
Facebook fans 204. Twitter followers 110.
24. DennisKennedy.Blog | Tech Law & Other Musings
Lawyer, author, blogger, speaker and podcaster Dennis Kennedy offers insights on the application of technology in the practice of law.
Frequency about 1 post per month.
Since Feb 2003
Website denniskennedy.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 6,572.
25. Law, Technology and Access to Justice
A resource for all those interested in the use of technology to advance access to justice around the world.
Frequency about 2 posts per week.
Since May 2016
Website law-tech-a2j.org
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 1,090.
26. Artificial Intelligence Technology and the Law Blog
A blog about issues arising at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence technologies and the law.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Since Nov 2017
Also in AI Blogs
Website aitechnologylaw.com
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers 43.
27. newtech.law
For us, the new technologies are primarily new legal challenges. On the blog we write about the most interesting legal aspects of new technologies.
Frequency about 3 posts per month.
Since Mar 2015
Website newtech.law/en
Facebook fans n/a. Twitter followers n/a.
[It hasn’t escaped our attention that this is a top 27 – perhaps Feedspot were so saturated with fantastic information that they ran out of steam?]