EU #antitrust regulators are asking whether Microsoft Office gives MS Teams unfair advantage in a move that Reuters says is a sign they may open an investigation.
It’s early days and the regulators are just at the stage of speaking to MS competitors, but any investigation into whether Teams ought – as rival Slack maintains – be unbundled from Office could throw up issues for organisations with Teams-based collaboration strategies.
One firm that is ahead of the game when it comes to Teams is UK top 50 firm Osborne Clarke. IT director Nathan Hayes told Legal IT Insider that the move by the regulators won’t have a big impact, commenting: “I don’t think it will dampen enthusiasm as we want to deliver the best technology we can to our people and our clients. Right now and in this space that technology is Teams in my view. However I am reassured that the EU are looking at this as it’s important to ensure a competitive environment so the best technology can come to the fore in future.”
Will this development affect your investment in Teams going forward? Please take part in a survey we are running on LinkedIn, link below. To share your views on this topic contact [email protected].
To read how Osborne Clarke is using Teams, including for project management, see here: