Macfarlanes engages iTrain Legal for firmwide Aderant Expert implementation

Technology training experts iTrain Legal have been given the thumbs up to announce that they were engaged by London-based law firm Macfarlanes to assist with its firmwide rollout of Aderant Expert: a change management project that was business critical and required the successful adoption of the new practice management system by over 850 Macfarlanes employees.

As part of the implementation process, iTrain developed a communications strategy incorporating varied distribution channels. Using roadshows, presentations, an email campaign, and intranet updates, employees at Macfarlanes were gradually introduced to the new legal software solution prior to training.

A comprehensive training plan then followed, including super-user training, a train-the-trainer programme, and firmwide end-user training.  Role-specific support was provided before, during and after rollout, both onsite and remotely.

Support material included comprehensive guides, how-to videos, and an eLearning package; all designed to smooth the transition on to the new interfaces and features of Aderant Expert.  Additional refreshers and workshops took place in the weeks after go-live, and provided more detailed knowledge on specific areas within the system.

Andrew Powell, CIO at Macfarlanes, said: “A practice management system change is a major endeavour for any law firm. We took the opportunity to consolidate a number of legacy applications into the Aderant platform, as well as introduce workflow to several business processes. Engaging with iTrain has allowed us to resource the change effectively, working closely with our own team to provide high quality training and go-live support at a scale that simply wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.”

We’re told that training was very well attended across the firm with users quickly adjusting to the new system. By engaging iTrain to deliver firmwide communications, user support material, and training for the Aderant Expert implementation, Macfarlanes were able to ensure a successful adoption of the new technology with minimum disruption to business.

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