Quinn Emanuel to integrate Pre/Dicta into their litigation workflow

US litigation powerhouse Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP today (16 May) announced that they will be integrating Pre/Dicta’s predictive analytics tool suite into their litigation workflow. Quinn began using Pre/Dicta firmwide last week and all of their attorneys have access to the full tool suite.

Founded in June 2022, Pre/Dicta analyses millions of federal cases and docket entries to forecast, for example, whether a case will survive a motion to dismiss. It looks at variables such as the parties, case type, and attorneys, plus the biographical information on judges such as net worth, education, work experience and political affiliation, to uncover hidden patterns in judicial decisions. Interestingly, it was just under a year ago that Quinn Emanuel’s founder and chairman John B. Quinn interviewed Pre/Dicta’s founder Dan Rabinowitz on Quinn’s podcast, Law, disrupted podcast. The podcast was called ‘Extraordinary AI Technology Predicts Outcome of Motions with 85% Accuracy,’ which is still correct today. 

“Manually researching historical case statistics and anecdotal experiences is not only time consuming for legal teams, but it’s obsolete,” said Rabinowitz. “Pre/Dicta is able to provide instant case metrics and insights based on a data set made up of billions of patterns that would otherwise be inaccessible to legal teams.”

Quinn Emanuel is a 1000+ lawyer business litigation firm with 34 global office locations and Ryan Landes, a partner at Quinn Emanuel said: “Quinn Emanuel is the largest law firm in the world devoted solely to business litigation and arbitration. Our clients rely on us to provide the best counsel and deliver on the best-informed litigation strategies that set them up for success. Pre/Dicta is a tool we can easily integrate into our processes across the litigation lifecycle and provides our lawyers with the actionable data to allow for positive case outcomes and efficient use of resources.” 

To learn more about Pre/Dicta, visit www.pre-dicta.com 

See also:

Start up Corner: Pre/Dicta litigation prediction software