Bye bye kCura hello Relativity: kCura rebrands under flagship eDiscovery platform

kCura is to rebrand as Relativity, dropping the name it has traded under since being founded in 2001 for the better-known name of its flagship global eDiscovery platform.
kCura was founded by Andrew Sieja as a software consulting firm but its success has been driven by Relativity, which is used by over 13,000 organizations globally, including the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 70 Fortune 100 companies, and 199 of the Am Law 200.
As expensive rebrands go, this one makes much more sense than a number of others we can think of. Relativity is the name that the market is most aware of and as kCura has grown, having two brands has caused confusion among some customers. Andrew Haslam, author of the Buyer’s Guide to eDisclosure Systems and eDisclosure project manager at Squire Patton Boggs told Legal IT Insider: “I think it’s a good thing and a sign of forward thinking – it will be an enabler when entering new markets who won’t know KCura makes Relativity. Sadly, it will be one of those necessary exercises which costs more than you think for not much benefit, but a good one none the less.”
Jonathan Maas, managing director of the Maas Consulting Group, told us: “This seems another sensible move of this relentless vehicle.  kCura is not as well known as Relativity, the brand that drives M&A activity in the global discovery market.  The subsuming of the former into the latter is a sensible consolidation of two brands in a market that is itself consolidating.  I hesitate to use this comparison, but we are at or close to the Hoover/vacuum cleaner brand blur in the eD market.”
In a statement out today (28 August), Sieja said: “People in the legal community around the world know us as Relativity, and that’s a testament to the great work our team, our partners, and our community, put into making the platform better every day.”
Recent events for Relativity include the release of RelativityOne, their complete e-discovery SaaS solution. The company also announced plans to hire 200 new team members by 2018, expanding their total workforce to over 800 employees by the end of the year.
“We’ve gotten to where we are today because we focus on building one thing, Relativity, and making it the best we can,” said Sieja. “It’s the platform our team has worked hard to develop, the platform our partners continuously innovate upon, and the platform our users can count on to help them organize data, discover the truth, and act on it.”
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