Dentons Transforms Print Workflow with nQueue’s iA Print Anywhere

nQueue, the leading provider of cost recovery and document scanning and routing technology, announces that international law firm Dentons has licensed its iA Print Anywhere technology. Dentons has installed iA Print Anywhere in its London office and is planning to roll it out at other locations throughout the U.K. iA Print Anywhere reduces cost and improves security by disassociating the sending of a print job from the releasing of it at the device.
iA Print Anywhere delays printing of jobs from a user’s desktop until the user arrives at the any compatible device in the firm and authenticates, either by logging in or by using an ID (Prox) card. The result is that documents are no longer left in the device’s tray, sometimes for hours, waiting to be picked up. “Leaving documents at printers is a security risk,” said John Gilbert, Senior Vice President at nQueue. “With iA Print Anywhere, documents are not printed until those who actually sent the job can release it and pick up the documents, which minimises that risk.”
In addition to the security benefits, iA Print Manager helps firms reduce cost and has a positive impact on the environment. “While most print jobs do get picked up eventually, many never get picked up at all,” added Gilbert. “That wasted paper ends up going directly to the shredder or recycling bin.”