Online Dispute Resolution event… Justice Re-Imagined

This 2 day international conference (41 speakers from 20 countries) focuses on developments in, and issues arising from, Online Dispute Resolution , online courts, AI and smart contracts.
Sprakers include include Lord Briggs, Justice of the Supreme Court, whose Report last year directly led to the building of the newly opened online court; Kerry Greenidge, Acting Manager of the online court project; Joshua Rozenberg, the well known broadcaster on the law; Colin Rule, the former Head of ODR at eBay and PayPal and now Vice-President at Tyler Technologies(leading provider of technology to the courts); Professor Ethan Katsh, Head of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution at the University of Massachusetts; Paul Embley, Head of the Technology Division of the US National Center for State Courts, as well as speakers from smart contract developer Mattereum and others on smart contracts and blockchain technology.
The highlight will be a real time simulation of the Brexit negotiation which will be undertaken using the latest in dispute resolution technology to show how ODR can assist in the negotiation and resolution of highly complex disputes.
A former Vice-President of the European Parliament will assist with the simulation.
Negotiators will use published impact data to help them put together a series of packages for agreement, deciding, in each case, whether to reveal them to the other parties or just to the computer, which, as it begins to ‘learn’ their respective priorities, proceeds to assist and ‘nudge’ them to fully evaluate the impact of available packages, thereby helping them to develop the negotiation in a way more likely to lead to agreement.
Interestingly, political factors will be totally ignored in the evaluation of packages. For two days in Liverpool, therefore, Political Intelligence will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence.