Off to the Movies – with Rekoop

hqdefaultTime capture specialist Rekoop has launched a series of video shorts (there are 9 so far) to help fee earners and managers get a better feel for next-generation time recording software. Explains CEO Phil Wedgwood: “We’ve lost count of the times where we’ve demonstrated the product and those around the table have been staggered to see how far time recording has come in terms of both usability and functionality. It dawned on us that there are probably thousands of lawyers out there who only know the system that’s in front of them, many of which will be the limited offerings within ageing PMSs. So we just wanted to give a taste of what today’s technology can do: the TimeTips series isn’t meant as a product demo or a training aid, it’s just there to showcase some of Rekoop’s handy features and highlight how much less of a burden timesheet administration has become as the technology steps up to take the strain.”
The videos can be viewed at