Updated: DAC Beachcroft upgrades to Workshare 9.5 + Workshare expands integration into P4W

Global law firm DAC Beachcroft has signed up with Workshare for secure file sync and sharing across employees’ mobile devices, having upgraded to the recently released version of Workshare 9.5.
DAC Beachcroft first selected Workshare in 2006 to enable its lawyers to compare and share their documents with authenticated third parties. This commitment will be extended for the next two years with the upgrade to Workshare 9.5 as competition in the document comparison and production space intensifies.
“We’re thrilled that the quality of our work for DAC Beachcroft over the last 10 years has led to such a strong and healthy business relationship,” said Nick Thomson, CRO of Workshare. “We will continue to invest in innovation and work closely with clients like DAC Beachcroft to provide the best possible solutions to the legal industry.”
The news comes as Tikit today (5 September) announced its expansion of the integration of Workshare into P4W, Tikit’s flagship practice and case management application. This new integration with Workshare Connect will provide P4W users with superior file sharing capability.
“We have worked very closely with Workshare for many years, integrating with their document comparison technologies. Workshare Connect encompasses this functionality and provides a clever collaboration environment on top of it. The integration of case manager with Workshare Connect also provides a deal room environment, which is quick and easy to use and takes very little time to setup,” stated Adrian Jones, Product Director at Tikit.
Tikit will be demonstrating the improved Workshare integration at its upcoming Workshare Showcase event on 13th September.