Cherie Blair’s firm Omnia Strategy selects Tikit and NetDocuments

Omnia Strategy – the international specialist law firm co-founded by leading barrister and former Prime Minister’s wife Cherie Blair CBE QC – has chosen Tikit to implement NetDocuments as its cloud-based document and email management platform.

The firm says it was searching for a highly secure cloud-based document management system (DMS) that could solve the collaboration, security and document search efficiency challenges that it was experiencing, whilst also being scalable as the firm grows. After what is described as a lengthy search, Omnia chose to equip its team with NetDocuments. The system went live in the first week of October.

Omnia Strategy specialises in dispute prevention and resolution and business human rights around the globe.

Nick Davis, chief operating officer at Omnia Strategy, said: “Before selecting NetDocuments, we were using a combination of in-house shared drives and Outlook to store our documents and emails. This meant as the firm, team numbers and caseload grew we were not able to manage our files and emails as efficiently or collaborate as effectively as we would wish. NetDocuments not only solves these problems, but also has an intuitive user interface that allows employees to work in the programmes that they are used to using, whilst benefiting from the NetDocuments solution. It will greatly enhance our efficiency and at the heart of what we do, our client experience.”

Doug Hargrove, managing director of legal at Advanced, which acquired Tikit in March, said: “We are seeing an increasing number of our legal clients move to cloud-based electronic document management as not only is it much more efficient, cost effective and collaborative, but it lines up to their environmental agendas.”

Guy Phillips, vice president of international business at NetDocuments, said: “Many firms find it a costly and unproductive exercise running and maintaining on-premise legacy technology. With increased competition and a changing workforce, which demands anytime access to information; firms can no longer afford to be technology laggards, otherwise they risk falling behind. Not only is NetDocuments a true cloud platform and as such secure and flexible, it also requires a lot less management, meaning that IT and the business can focus more on client service.”